
Worldwide Media Coverage

Tasoula on CYBC – ΡΙΚ1 -G.Kareklas-Proektaseis

Tasoula Hadjitofi. in an in-depth exclusive interview with Yiannis Kareklas shares her own truths about the dangerous road of reclaiming looted antiquities. Μία εκ βαθέων εξομολόγηση της Τασούλας Χατζητοφή στις Προεκτάσεις. Οι αρχαιοκάπηλοι, το κυνηγητό τους, η...

Islamic State makes millions from stolen antiquities

The Islamic State (IS) has been generating significant revenues from the plunder of historical artifacts in Syria and Iraq. The organization encourages digs at archaeological sites and takes a share from the sales. All artifacts are said to be...